Mt.Hermon Lodge #263
A.F. & A.M

Freemason Membership Requirements
You must be of good repute.
In Iowa, you must be at least 18 years of age.
You must believe in a Supreme Being.
You must live a moral and ethical life.
You must have a strong desire to make yourself a better man and make your community and the world a better place to live.
You must be tolerant of other religions, cultures, and points of view.
Beginning the Process of Becoming a Freemason
You can contact us on the Contact Us Page.
You may ask to be provided with a petition for membership. Or you can get one from the Links Page.
Fill out the Petition with Integrity and Mail it to the address seen below with Attention Mount Hermon Lodge on the envelope.
Then What Happens?
If you have not already filled out a petition for membership, you will be asked to fill one out and submit it to the Lodge.
A committee of members from the Lodge, which is called the Investigating Committee, will contact you to arrange a meeting. They will want to speak to you in order to discuss your character and make sure that you have a legitimate interest in Freemasonry. It will also give you a chance to ask them questions about the fraternity so you can be assured that it is something you would like to invest your time in.
Your request for membership will be balloted upon by the lodge’s members.
You will be advised of the date of your admission.
Once You Are Admitted?
You will receive a Mentor, a Master Mason to help guide you through the Degree Process.
Of course we all like food, meals are provided before a Lodge Meeting.
The Pre-Lodge meal is a good way to bond in fellowship, even before your degrees.
After Receiving the Third Degree and becoming a Master Mason you may now vote in Lodge, Join Appending Bodies, and become a Lodge Officer.